Thursday, September 11, 2008

My First Drool

Okay, I couldn't resist. This is not spit up, poop, pee or otherwise a normal baby passtime. This is legitimately Gabby falling asleep and drooling on me in her sleep. Just thought it was too cute to pass up...

Go Sox!!!

Here we are getting into the second week of September and the Red Sox are in second place, creeping up on the New Yor... woa. What a minute... I mean The Rays!!! Yankees are all but elimitated. Gabby's a Red Sox fan, she told me so herself...
GO SOX!!! (Red Sox and OTB White Sox)

Some Action Photos...

Three Weeks...

Okay, only a parent (and possibly a grandparent) can sit and watch this for almost ten minutes. But you'll see just about every facial expression available while she's dreaming and while daddy's working...


... to Dr. Eudy on passing her licensing exam. I personally watched her study throughout, and it was pretty amazing to see--8-9 months pregnant. I've always said, that if I were taking that exam in the same session as her, I would have been telling stories for years about how this Asian woman who was taking the exam with me probably had no real way of knowning whether she would be going into labor or not.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome to the World Gabrielle Thi Helinski!!

After 41 weeks, special labor induction cream cheese, romaine lettuce, gorganzola cheese, pineapple, raspberry tea leaf, probably twenty miles of walking and even some hiking...and the list goes on... around 4:00 a.m. on August 21, we loaded up the car and headed to Newton Wellesley Hospital to add a new leaf to our family tree. Gabrielle Thi Helinski, born at 7:37 a.m., 20.5 inches long and 7 lbs 6 oz. Welcome Gabby T. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Okay, I know this is tough to see, but this is not-so-little Gabrielle at a whopping 36 weeks! Just making sure she's "heading" out correctly. We got one last little peak at her before she decides to make her way out to the world. Her face is the white part facing up with her chubby cheeks (dad's obviously) pushing for some room in her comfy home...